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Library Rules & Regulations
Library will be open from 10:00 AM to 4 PM.
No student will be allowed to avail library facility without valid ID card and library card. The borrower cards are not transferable
For availing library facility, students should be in proper uniform.
Users should maintain peace in the library & should not disturb other readers in the library otherwise library facility will be withdrawn.
Unauthorized removal of books or damaging the property of library or misbehavior with library staff shall be considered as an act of indiscipline, which will call for strict action and or fine.
Books must be return on or before the due date otherwise the fine of Rs. 1 will be charged per day/book.
At the time of deposition of late fine you must collect receipt for the payment from the library.
Absence & illness are not acceptable excuses for exemption from paying overdue charges.
If the Due Date falls on holiday declare by collage, then students may return their books on the next week on scheduled day.
Books will be reissued another 15 days if there is no call of books.
In spite of repeated reminders, if the book is not returned, the borrowing facility may be withdrawn for a period decided by the authority.
Books will be accepted and issued only during specified schedule of the class.
While entering the library, users have to keep all the belongings outside the reading room and the authority will not be responsible for any loss.
Students should take care of cleanliness of the library.
Students will only read the newspapers on the newspaper reading stand.
Students should not disturb the arrangements of the library furniture.
Books issued on ID card are only for reference and are not allowed to take them outside otherwise a fine of Rs. 25 will be charged per day/book. Outsiders are not allowed in the library without the permission of the authority concerned.
Mobile use is strictly prohibited in Library.
The double cost of the book will have to pay if the issued book has lost.
It is mandatory for all members who are using facilities to follow the library rules & regulations. For any dispute or problem, Librarian may be contacted
All members of the library team are available for any assistance you may need in using the library resources, facilities & services. Library will welcome any suggestion for better use of library facilities.