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About Barbhag College Library:
Considering the much-awaited and long-felt need for an institution imparting quality education at the higher level of study with an eye on the character building of the younger generation in the Barbhag area of Nalbari District, Barbhag College was established in the year 1964.The birth of this institution was the result of the toil and sacrifices of a few spirited and progressive individuals who worked day and night for years to turn this long cherished dream into reality. Since its inception, the institution has been striving hard to make the rural folk of Barbhag truly educated. The economically backward people of Barbhag area have immensely benefited from this centre of Higher education. A library is a heart of any educational institutions mainly in higher educational instituitions.
Virtual Tour of Library

Librarian's Message
This feel good that Barbhag College Library has its own website. This is the age of technology and readers now seek information through online. Now the webstite is the best way to know the particular person, institute, project, health care etc and so many. This website deffinetly helped the readers community to get the information of Barbhag College Library.
Dr. Kishore Kalita
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